Seven Stories

SevenStoriesFromBridgeMassive thanks to Seven Stories: The (UK) National Centre for Children’s Books which has the only known almost-complete collection of Leila’s books for children, and also the archive of her surviving papers. Their Visitor Centre is a must-visit for any kids, parents, teachers, publishers with a real interest in British children’s literature since the 1930’s. There’s always a couple of amazing exhibitions on the work of specific writers or authors, and frequent special events, an activities space, a cafe, a fabulous shop, and more – all in a brilliantly converted seven-storey ex-water-mill in Newcastle. The archives of Leila’s work and dozens of other celebrated writers are housed separately in a world-class climate-controlled facility in nearby Gateshead, for researchers and students to access. Seven Stories staff have been wonderfully helpful in dealing with Leila’s papers initially, and later in making rare books available for scanning for the new website. The facility is affiliated to Newcastle University.